Help support the vision of Woodland Hills Community Church!

Help support the vision of Woodland Hills Community Church!
For those of you who would like to support the vision & ministry of Woodland Hills Community Church (the faith community I serve that continues to encourage me to minister outside the box), please click on the link just above.

The Journey Begins

I'm heading into my last 7 hours before the official start of my sabbatical. Already in the past week, I've had an important learning about the use of the phrase Emergent Worship. Emergent Worship is a dangerous phrase to use in that many people react to it as if they would to any other label. They expect Emergent Worship it to neatly fit into a box or category (i.e. Emergent Worship is specifically this or Emergent Worship is specifically that). It's tough to get them to see Emergent Worship is more of a process (or way of worshipping) than it is a product (a particular worship experience). I'm starting to wondering if a phrase like Organic Worship might be more effective in communicating the fluid nature of the emergent experience. We live in a society, however, that is all about labels and boxes. As a result, I'll have to be very careful and aware of efforts to limit the experience (including my own). My most profound moment of insight occured last week when a team member raised the issue, "Are we ready to start a new worship gathering in the fall?" My natural response was to become defensive. A few days later, however, I realized that if we (the planning team) feel completely prepared it means that we will have created an experience that reflects OUR hopes and OUR desires rather than God's. So maybe it's a good thing to not feel entirely prepared. It means there's still room for the movement of the Spirit. Let's hope that's always the case! Til next time...

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