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Wednesday, May 14

Today’s Lectionary Readings: Psalm 78; Deuteronomy 4:1-14; Matthew 16:13-20; Acts 2:22-28

There are so many things that we use to define ourselves these days. Some use a title that is given us in relation to our family structure – a title like dad or mom, sister or brother. Others use a title that they are given at work. Still others define themselves using the number of zeroes in their salary or the name of the housing development in which they live. The list could go on and on. In today’s Gospel reading from Matthew, we are given insight into another way to understand ourselves. In that passage, we are privy to an exchange that occurred between Jesus and Peter. In that exchange Jesus began by asking Peter who he is. Peter answered. It is only then - AFTER Peter’s response - that Jesus goes on to define Peter. I found it significant that Jesus defined Peter only after Peter first defined Jesus. This exchange reminds me once again of the importance of our faith. For after all, Jesus is who Jesus is. That part doesn’t change. What often does change is our willingness (through our faith) to acknowledge the way we see God at work through Jesus. That willingness – that faith –is then the part that comes to define us. Today I would encourage you to do a little role playing. Put yourself in Peter’s shoes. Hear Jesus ask you, “And how about you? Who do you say I am?” Now listen to your answer. Once you have answered Jesus’ question, spend some time in quiet and listen to what your answer reveals about you. Til next time…

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