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Saturday, October 13

Today’s Lectionary Readings: Psalm 15 & 24; Micah 6:1-8; Luke 17:20-37; & Romans 6:1-11

While there are a few things I'm pretty good at, cooking is definitely one of those areas in which I have few if any skills. Consequently, I'm more of a survival cooker. Just give me the basics (i.e. how long do I heat the soup on the burner, how long do I microwave the frozen dinner) and I'm in business. That no frills approach has gotten me through my first 40 years. This morning I encountered another no frills approach in today's lectionary readings. It was the last verse of today's reading from Micah. For folks like me who are easily distracted, the prophet lays out three easy steps to capture the essence of what God asks of you. You ready? Here it goes. Number one: do justice. Number two: love kindness. Number three: walk humbly with your God. Sounds simple enough, right? I've discovered over the years that while it may sound simple while you're looking at the "cookbook", once you take those ingredients out into the real world and try applying them, the challenges begin. Today, I invite you to take those ingredients (justice, kindness, and humility) out of your cupboard and start applying them. See what "dish" begins to emerge. Happy cooking! Til next time...

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