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Sunday, November 4

Today’s Lectionary Readings: Psalm 3 & 122; Haggai 2:1-9; Luke 19:1-10; 2 Thessalonians 1:5-12

This morning’s passage from Luke is a great eye opener for me. For in the passage we are introduced to an individual named Zacchaeus, a man whom is viewed one and only one way by his peers: as a Tax Collector. This title established not only Zacchaeus’ standing in the community, but his identity as well. This was so entrenched that no one – not even Zacchaeus – could imagine seeing himself any other way. Along came Jesus, however, who was willing to do something no one else was willing to do – look at Zacchaeus with new eyes. This willingness led Jesus at the end of today’s passage to establish a new identity all together for Zacchaeus; instead of being simply a Tax Collector he became seen as a Son of Abraham. The story reminds us that when we see the world through Jesus’ eyes, things begin to change. Today, I invite you to take a glance at the world from Jesus’ perspective. You might be surprised what you see. Even in yourself! Til next time…

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