Help support the vision of Woodland Hills Community Church!

Help support the vision of Woodland Hills Community Church!
For those of you who would like to support the vision & ministry of Woodland Hills Community Church (the faith community I serve that continues to encourage me to minister outside the box), please click on the link just above.

Sunday, January 13

Today's Lectionary Readings: Psalm 148; Isaiah 42:1-9; Matthew 3:13-17; Acts 10:34-43; Psalm 29

As I write this, the church I serve has just begun a process that will culminate in the formation of a new Mission, Vision, Values Statement. This process often sets off a wave of anxiety among folks as they fear about the directions this process might lead us. Of course, organizations are not the only entities that have to deal with the anxiety related to visioning processes. Individuals have to deal with them as well. That is, if they take the time to revisit the question, "Who is God calling me to be?" on a regular basis. If that's where you are at the beginning of this new year - at a time when you are re-considering perhaps the direction of your life and course of your commitments. Re-read today's passage from Isaiah. For in that passage Isaiah gives us not just an exciting view of the future (everything will be set right between nations (42:1)), but calming words of assurance that God will be with us through this time of exploration (you will be bathed in the spirit (42:2); and you won't tired or quit (42:4)). May God be present with you during this time of exploration and soul-searching - whether this exploration and soul-searching is done individually or collectively. Til next time...

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